Dear MCEA member,
Thank you for the work you do every day, and thank you for joining MCEA. Your dedication and your exceptional work have always been essential to your communities, but never more so than over the past two years. During this pandemic, you as public employees have kept your communities going - from public health to public safety. Your value is immeasurable and your membership matters.
The more people who join, the more power we have to win the professional rights, rewards, and respect we deserve, and to fight for the families and communities we serve. I hope you'll go a step further and become an active, involved member of our union. Your ideas, your talents, and your voice are so needed. Together, we can accomplish so much more than we can alone.
Again, thank you for choosing to be a part of MCEA and our national union, the American Federation of Teachers. Through the AFT, we in MCEA stand with 1.7 million other union members to fight for a better life for all and for the next generation to do even better.
In unity,
Leonard Lee
Administrator, MCEA