Following a promotional opportunity and the completion of a predetermined probationary period an employee was issued an illegal “rejection on probation.” The employee immediately contacted MCEA and a grievance/appeal was initiated. Management refused to schedule a hearing and refused to provide the employee with “due process” of their case. This did not deter the union however, as we are used to working diligently and tirelessly on grievance issues even with non-cooperating employers.
After a continuous email exchange between MCEA’s labor relations specialist and the employees appointing authority, a first step hearing was scheduled. At the conclusion of the hearing management in collaboration with the agency’s employee relations unit decided the action taken against the employee were unjustified and ordered their return to work.
This again is an example of the union fighting everyday for its members. This is just one example of a member who had a successful appeal but there are countless others. This is also a benefit of union membership. If you’re a Maryland employee, not already covered by a collective bargaining unit, consider joining MCEA where Our Most Important Job Is Yours.