Wallace F. Smith Memorial Scholarship Application
Each year the Maryland Classified Employees Association, Inc. awards its Wallace F. Smith Memorial
Scholarship to individuals seeking admission to, or attending, an accredited school of higher learning who
have a financial need, have set high goals, and have attained scholastic achievement. MCEA’s Wallace F.
Smith Memorial Scholarship Committee will award a scholarship to one individual representing each of the Association’s five geographical areas.
Qualifications for applying for the 2013 Wallace F. Smith Memorial Scholarship
A. Must be a member of the Maryland Classified Employees Association, or a spouse or legal
dependent of an MCEA member.
B. Must be seeking a college education beyond the high school level.
C. Must meet the eligibility requirements for the school of his/her choice.
D. Must be seeking admission to, or attending, an accredited community college, four year college or university, or other accredited institution of higher learning.
E. Must be a citizen of the United States of America.
F. Must not have received an award within the last two years from MCEA.
A. Scholastic Achievement B. Financial Need C. Goals D. Essay E. References
Attach Copies Of The Following:
1. Proof of acceptance from college or university.
2. Transcript of grades (high school and/or college).
3. Non-returnable, current photograph.
4. Two (2) letters of reference from non-family members.
5. A typed essay stating why you feel you should be awarded this scholarship.
Maryland Classified Employees Association, Inc.
Wallace F. Smith Memorial Scholarship Committee
7127 Rutherford Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-2763
(410) 298-8800 *** 1-888-611-MCEA (6232)
Mark on the envelope: “Personal – (Wallace F. Smith) Memorial Scholarship Committee only”
Please review the guidelines before completing this application and print or type all applicable sections.
In sections that are not applicable, please mark, “N/A.”
Section A: Information about applicant. (Must be completed by all applicants.)
1. Name of applicant:
2. Social Security Number: _____ _____ _____ - _____ _____ - _____ _____ _____ _____
3. MCEA chapter no. : _________________ Area: ______________ (if applicable)
4. Permanent address: ____________________________ City/State_________________ Zip_________
5. Telephone Number: Home: _____-_______-_______Work: ________-___________-____________
6. Date of birth: _____/_____/_____
7. State of legal residence: _______________________________
8. Are you a citizen of the United States of America? YES ______ NO ______
9. Occupation: Title:
10. Agency/Employer:
Address: __________________________ City/State: _______________________ Zip____________
Telephone no.: ( ) __________________________
11. Number of years employed at current place of employment:
12. Annual income from salaries, wages, tips, outside income, alimony, child support $________________
13. Marital status: _____________________ 14. Number ages of dependents:_________________________
15. Name and location of last school attended:
16. Circle the highest grade completed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
17. Did you graduate from high school? YES _______ NO _______
18. If you did not graduate from high school, have you passed examinations and received a high school equivalency certificate from the State of Maryland or any other state? YES _______ NO _______
If YES, give name of state: _____________________________________ Year awarded: ___________________
19. List name and location of any college or university which you have attended or are now attending:
Name Location Dates attended
20. If the applicant has received a degree, give type of degree and date received:
21. If the applicant has not received a degree, give number of credit hours completed:
Section B: Information (Member only)
1. Name of member:
2. Social Security number: _____ _____ _____ - _____ _____ - _____ _____ _____ _____
3. MCEA chapter number: _________________ Area: ______________
4. Permanent address: __________________________________ City/State_________________ Zip________
5. Telephone number: Home: ________-________-________ Work: _________-___________-__________
6. Date of birth: _____ / _____ / _____ 7. State of legal residence: _______________________________
8. Are you a citizen of the United States? YES ______ NO ______
9. Occupation: _______________________________
10. Agency/Employer: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City/State: _______________________Zip___________
Telephone number: ____________-_______________-_____________________________
11. Number of years employed at current place of employment: ______________________
12. Annual income from salaries, wages, tips, outside income, alimony, child support, etc. $
13. Marital status: _____________________ 14. Number and ages of dependents: _________________
15. Relationship to applicant__________________________
Section C: Information about applicant’s spouse, parent, or legal guardian
Indicate whether this financial information applies to the applicant's:
ð Spouse
ð Parent
ð Legal guardian
If the member is a parent of the applicant, and another parent resides in the household and/or provides the applicant financial support, you must complete this section for the second parent.
1. Name: __________________________________________________________________________
2. Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City/State: _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone number:___________-_____________-_____________
4. Marital status: ________________________________
5. Occupation:______________________________________________________________________
6. Agency/Employer: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City/State: _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: __________-__________-______________________
7. Number of years at current place of employment __________________________________________
8. Annual income from salaries, wages, tips, outside income, alimony, child support, etc. $__________
9. Number and ages of dependents: ________________________________________________________
Section C: Information about applicant’s spouse, parent, or legal guardian
10. During the past year, has your household experienced any unusual medical expenses, losses, etc. that were not covered by insurances? YES ____ NO____
If YES, please explain here:
11. Is applicant receiving any other financial aid? YES _____ NO _____ If YES, list source and amount:
Source: Amount:
_____________________________________ $__________________________
_____________________________________ $__________________________
_____________________________________ $__________________________
_____________________________________ $__________________________
_____________________________________ $__________________________
Total: $__________________________
Applications not postmarked by JULY 31, 2013 or not completed will not be considered for a scholarship. I hereby affirm that this application contains no willful misrepresentations or falsifications, and that this information given by me is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of applicant Date
Signature of MCEA member Date
5/31/13 (revised)