On August 29, 2020, MCEA held its first tele-convention! Your delegates adopted a budget and new bylaws, and made nominations for your Board of Directors. (Visit MCEA.md.aft.org for details.)
Following the nominations, only one position is contested, that of MCEA Treasurer, thus requiring an election. Pursuant to the MCEA bylaws and the notice of the 2020 Convention, a remote election will be held on Thursday, October 15, 2020, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. All Board positions filled through nominations and through this election will serve until October, 2021, when a regularly scheduled election will be held.
The nominees for the position of MCEA Treasurer are: Raymond Crosby, John Prince, and Dawn Rowe. Biographies for candidates are available on MCEA.md.aft.org.
A link will be emailed to voters the day of the remote election, so in order to participate, you must have an email address and MCEA must have that address. Please use the QR Code on the reverse or visit MCEA.md.aft.org to Update Contact Information. You will not be able to participate in this election if we do not have your email address.
October 15, 2020
Raymond Crosby – Harford Co. Gov’t
John Prince – Retired
Dawn Rowe – MD Dept. of Juvenile Svs
to update contact information in order to participate in remote election.

Ballots and instructions for electronic voting will be sent via email on October 15.
QUESTIONS? Call 410-298-8800

Good Day to everyone. My name is Raymond A Crosby better known as Ray or Rick to most of you, have been a member since 1995, and have served on the Board of Directors since 2015. I currently hold MCEA's Treasurer position which I was asked to assume by Madam President Day in early May of this year. In four short months, I feel that I have seen and learned a lot about the internal operation of our Union. I can honestly say there's more to it then I could ever imagine. However difficult it maybe, I'm learning more about the day to day finances and what it takes to keep our Union running. With this in mind, I would ask your support in electing me for Treasurer of MCEA. I will work hard to initiate getting our rebates again. I will ask all of our chapters to start back or to continue having biannual meetings every year, and supply the Board of Directors with a copy of their minutes. Not to forget, at this time due to our COVID 19 pandemic with us, virtual meetings will become the norm until a vaccine is found effective. We continue to strive and move ahead not forgetting any of the obligations we have made to our members. I would like the opportunity to do and learn more with your vote and thank you for your time and understanding. Lastly may God bless our union to become better. I am available to answer your questions at racrosby825@gmail.com or 410-598-4621.

I am honored to be nominated to run for the position of treasurer. I look forward to the opportunity to serve MCEA in new ways. I am a member of MCEA and have been for over 20 years. During my tenure, I served on the board of directors, as chairman of the by-laws committee, chairman of the president's advisory committee, member of the legislative committee, the internal audit committee, member of MCEA Benefits and Trust committee. Most recently, I worked with the past interim treasurer, and current MCEA accountant while employed as the office manager. I have a number of valuable qualities I will bring to the position of treasurer because of my involvement in the aforementioned functions. The experiences provide the springboard from which my serving as treasurer would start and allow me to step into the role quickly. Finally, as a retired State employee, I have the commitment to serve MCEA and I am open to be bonded, if required. This is the best way for me to serve the members of MCEA and the organization by making sure that it's financial viability is sustainable via adherence to the governing by-laws, and all other relevant documents. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments about my candidacy for the position of Treasurer via phone: (443) 929-1566, or email at johpri4@gmail.com.

My name is Dawn Rowe. I have been an active Member of MCEA for 19 years now. I work for the Department of Juvenile Services, at the Headquarters office in Baltimore, as a Program Specialist. I have been a dedicated State employee for 20 plus years. I have been part of several committees over the years for MCEA, Nominating Committee (2012), Bylaws Committee (2010),(2015), Convention Committee (2013)(2014); I am currently the Area III Secretary and have held that office since 2011. Currently I have been a Member at large on the Board since (2015). I am currently working as the Assistant to the Treasurer of MCEA so that I can learn the duties of the Treasurer’s position and help as needed. I take my roles within MCEA seriously, as this Organization has helped many State Employees including several of my friends. I am currently in the process of taking Quick Books training to ensure that our members’ dues are used to run this Association efficiently. As Treasurer, I will ensure this Association is equipped for the future and continues to grow. The growth of this Organization should be our first priority. Please if you want someone who will keep MCEA’s finances in order vote for me. If you have questions for me, my contact information is (410) 428-5519, dawnmariewatts@yahoo.com. Thanks