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MCEA attended the annual Maryland Maryland Association of Counties Summer Conference held at the Rolland E. Powell Convention Center on August 14-17, 2013. MCEA has attended this event for many years. It gives MCEA the opportunity to exchange ideals with important Heads of counties from Maryland concerning benefits and challenges of State and County employees.

State employees will be receiving a raise this fiscal year.  Specific information regarding the money appropriated for State employee can be found on the Department of Budget and Management's website at click on FY 2014 Operating Budget Documents in the What's New column on the right side of the page, click on Budget Highlights [click here!], scroll down to page 71, to the section for the Department of Budget and Management. 
It states "The FY 2014 allowance includes funding of $73.4 million for a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment for State employees effective January 1, 2014
The US Department of Labor, in cooperation with the Social Security Adminstration and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid launched an online Retirement Toolkit to assist in planning for retirement.  You can find information about when you are elligible for Social Security (benefits of delaying payments), 401K plans (penalties for early withdrawals), and health and prescription benefits (through private insurance and Medicare).  There are also retirement calculators which can be used to determine future expenses and savings needed to achieve financial stability in retirement. 
Since the

This picture was posted on a Giant Screen in Seoul, South Korea last week at a Mass Union March, We are being seen on the other side of the World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wallace F. Smith Memorial Scholarship Application

Each year the Maryland Classified Employees Association, Inc. awards its Wallace F. Smith Memorial

Scholarship to individuals seeking admission to, or attending, an accredited school of higher learning who

have a financial need, have set high goals, and have attained scholastic achievement.  MCEA’s Wallace F.

Smith Memorial Scholarship Committee will award a scholarship to one individual representing each of the Association’s five geographical areas.

Qualifications for applying for the 2013 Wallace F. Smith Memorial Scholarship

A.       Must be a


MCEA held its Annual Statewide Advisory Council Meeting on April 27, 2013, which, for the first time, was opened to all members of MCEA. There was not an empty seat in the house, Business was conducted, issues were addressed, then  lots of laughs, good food and a great time for all.