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AFT-Maryland will interview candidates who want to represent your district in the Baltimore City Council. Members of AFT-Maryland affiliated local unions are invited to attend, to ensure the candidates know our members' priorities.

Help us decide who to support for the AFL-CIO Endorsement.


Districts 2, 3, 12, & 13 (click for flyer)
Thurs., Feb. 4th, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Districts 1, 8, 9, 10, & 11 (click for flyer)
Wed., Feb. 10th, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Districts 4, 5, 6, 7, & 14 (click for flyer)
Tues., Feb. 16th, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
CANCELLED due to weather conditions.

All Forums will be held at the Baltimore


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Last year, Governor Hogan put our members on high alert. He cut funding to Baltimore City Public Schools, demanded cutting each state agency by 2% and attempted to remove collective bargaining rights from teachers and staff at public charters schools.

Because of YOUR efforts in Annapolis last year, we were able to keep the 2% for state and government workers, and protect collective bargaining rights teachers and staff at public charter schools. JOIN US again this year!



The governor's $42 billion Maryland State spending budget has been unveiled, and it includes a step increase for State Employees without the cuts to overtime or sick leave rights that he originally proposed. This is a big win for union members, who have fought hard for this increase.

On the other hand, the governor has proposed eliminating state employee positions to "right-size" many departments. Other positions and services could be privatized, which means lower wages and no union contract.


Join us for Lobby Night in Annapolis this Monday, Jan. 25th. AFT-Maryland


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Due to the blizzard and hazardous road conditions, the Lobby Night scheduled for Mon. Jan. 25th has been rescheduled for Mon. Feb. 22nd.
We hope you'll join us then!


Meet MCEA member Ray Crosby. He is a 39-year veteran of State and County Service in Harford County. Throughout his two decades of membership in MCEA Chapter 610, he has served the union in a number of roles including chief steward, county chair, and chapter treasurer. In Harford County he is a Senior Water Plant Operator and monitors water quality for a plant that produces 20 million gallons a day. His hard work goes to ensuring that there is safe drinking water for the residents and that county emergency services such as the fire department are up and running in case of emergency.

Being a


The Maryland Classified Employees Association held its Annual Convention in Ocean City, Maryland located at the Holiday Inn Ocean Front from October 12, 2015 through October 14, 2015. Hundreds of Delegates were greeted by their union brothers and sisters at registration who presented them with gift bags that were created by President Linda Day and her committee members. This year’s convention celebrated 80 years of our union’s untiring efforts in improving the quality of life for State and County employees. 

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Baltimore County 911 call center employees protested a threat of major scheduling changes on Monday night outside county headquarters in Towson. The Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees (Local #4883) organized the rally, and members of other unions attended to show their support, as well, including 911/311 call center employees from Baltimore City, who are members of the City Union of Baltimore (Local #800). 
Union members are protesting a mandatory rotating shift policy. The shift change has already caused dozens of 911 call center employees to leave the department, which is now

Continuing with AFT efforts to promote democracy and add more voices to the political process locally and nationally, AFT-Maryland Political Coordinator Todd Reynolds led a voter registration drive Sunday August 16th at Macedonia Baptist Church in Baltimore, Md. The drive was but a small example of the "Reclaim Baltimore" initiative introduced at the 2015 AFT-Maryland Convention.

The initiative focused on revitalizing the city in the wake of the unrest after the Freddie Gray death. One aspect was to increase citizen participation in the political process. With a Presidential, Senate, Mayoral &


During the month of July, 2015, Baltimore City Public  Schools will be hosting a series of community conversations around Baltimore City to discuss how school police can work with schools, students, and the community to keep students safe and in school during the day.

In the 2015 Maryland Legislative Session, a bill was introduced to allow Police to carry guns in schools. The legislation didn't make it out of committee, but we anticipate that similar legislation will be introduced again next session and that this will be a major topic of discussion at these Community Conversations this month.



Linda Day, president of MCEA, is running for the Maryland State Retirement and Pension Board of Trustees.

Who can vote:
Retired Members of:
• Correctional Officers Retirement System
• Employees Retirement System
• Employees Pension System
• Judges Retirement System
• Legislative Pension Plan
• Local Fire & Police Systems
• Law Enforcement Officer’s Pension System

When to Vote:
Vote between May 18 and June 19, 2015.

How to Vote:
Vote by telephone or Internet.
Instructions and a PIN will be mailed to you.

Click here for an informational flyer.