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This picture was posted on a Giant Screen in Seoul, South Korea last week at a Mass Union March, We are being seen on the other side of the World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wallace F. Smith Memorial Scholarship Application

Each year the Maryland Classified Employees Association, Inc. awards its Wallace F. Smith Memorial

Scholarship to individuals seeking admission to, or attending, an accredited school of higher learning who

have a financial need, have set high goals, and have attained scholastic achievement.  MCEA’s Wallace F.

Smith Memorial Scholarship Committee will award a scholarship to one individual representing each of the Association’s five geographical areas.

Qualifications for applying for the 2013 Wallace F. Smith Memorial Scholarship

A.       Must be a


AFT Healthcare and AFT Public Employees sponsored their 2013 Joint Conference; 25-27 at the Hilton Baltimore Hotel in Baltimore MD. 

MCEA was proud to  be part of that Joint Conference. AFT President, Randi Weingarten, MCEA President Linda Day. MPEC President Deborah Perry, Barnard Jones, Judith Dotson, 

 Angela Jacks. Rose Wertz, Mike Keeney and hundreds of others from around the country enjoyed and learned from the 3 day event. 


Our nation has laid to rest another Hero. 

 Officer Sean Collier, police officer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was tragically killed in the events of last week which led to the capture of the Boston Marathon bombers.  At the young age of 27, Officer Collier had always wanted to be a police officer, and chose to do so protecting the campus of MIT.  At the Maryland Classified Employees Association, Inc., we have the honor of representing University police officers across the State, from Salisbury University, to Bowie State University, to Frostburg State University. These are not

MCEA Area 5 would like to announce that the Annual J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield, Maryland, which is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2013, from 12:00PM to 4:00PM, at the Somer’s Cove Marina in Crisfield, Maryland.

As always, MCEA has a special hospitality tent for this day’s even. Tickets are on sale at the time for a donation price of $40.00 a person. This one price includes all food and drink and a great time to get together. There will be Steamed Crabs, Steamed Clams, Raw Bar, Fresh Fried Fish, French Fried Potatoes, Onion Rings, Corn on the Cob and Watermelon, Along




MCEA’s newest Chapter #615, the Harford County Correctional Association (HCCA) scored a big win in the Harford County Council chambers. Council Bill 13-9 was introduced by Council President William Boniface at the request of Harford County Executive David Craig after meeting with a delegation of Chapter 615 officers and MCEA staff.

HCCA President, Rick Hampton, Vice President Sean Kahler and MCEA Labor Relations Specialist, Michael Keeney successfully lobbied the Harford County Council for significant pension enhancement reform for


MCEA President Linda Day gave a rousing speech announcing after months of meetings and discussions, that our Sister Unions, AFT Heath, and MPEC, had leased offices in our Headquarters building. AFT Health and MPEC will be housed at our Headquarters office in Woodlawn. We welcome our new union partners. President Day  emphasised, "IN NUMBERS WE HAVE POWER".

President Day also stated there had been a surge in new membership in the last few months, this is no doubt attributed to the excellant representation our members recieve and the benefits of being a member of MCEA.. We thank and welcome our


Retirement News Highlights

Friday, March 15, 2013

Senate budgeters cut pension contribution by $100 million

The Senate Budget and Taxation Committee voted Thursday to cut $100 million in contributions to the State Retirement and Pension System for fiscal 2014. The committee tied the unexpected move to passage of legislation that will eventually ensure the state puts aside enough money for employee and teachers pensions. But the cut also adds a year to achieving long-term funding goals for those pensions.

As it finished work on Gov. Martin O’Malley’s $37 billion budget, Senate budgeters voted


MCEA Area IV held its Quarterly Meeting at the American Legion Hall Post # 42 in Hagerstown, Maryland on February 22, 2013. MCEA staff Michael Keeney, Labor Relations Specialist and attorney Hillary Galloway Davis attended and provided MCEA Chapter Presidents with updates of MCEA Legislative activities and upcoming events. Pictured below is Area IV Governor, Tina Cameron presenting Chapter President, Donnell Householder Member of the Year Award. MCEA offers Donnell a heartfelt thank you and congratulations on a job well done.


Harford County Correctional Officers Chapter #615 renews Affiliation Agreement with MCEA/AFT.

Pictured, Rick Hampton President of Chapter #615 signing the Agreement at Chapter #615 quarterly meeting.
