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On February 20, 2013, Linda Day, MCEA President met with Anthony Brown, Lt. Governor of Maryland to discuss issues facing State, County and Municipal employees.

Stephen Yarbor, MCEA Labor Specialist
Anthony Brown, Lt. Governor of Maryland
Linda Day, MCEA President
Marion Barnard Jones, Chairman, Legislative Committee


Several MCEA members joined with members of other AFT-Maryland locals for our Lobby Night in Annapolis on Monday, February 11, 2013.


MCEA/AFT celebrates Black History Month with interesting videos from 1926 to Present.


MCEA signs Newly negotiated MOU with Salisbury University with,

Inge Frost, Director of Human Resources Operations. Salisbury University

Debra L. Truitt, M.A. President of Chapter 72

Jack Nelson, Executive Director Of MCEA.


MCEA held its Annual Statewide Advisory Council Meeting on April 27, 2013, which, for the first time, was opened to all members of MCEA. There was not an empty seat in the house, Business was conducted, issues were addressed, then  lots of laughs, good food and a great time for all.


Many of us in Maryland watched the recent recall election in Wisconsin with great interest. That state's governor, Scott Walker, stated in a conversation with wealthy business leaders that it was his intention to use a "divide and conquer" strategy to destroy unions.

Walker instituted policies that denied unions collective bargaining rights. He also reduced sick and vacation leave and pension benefits for union members. These things, he said, would help reduce the state's budget deficit.

Governors such as Scott Walker believe that working people should bite the bullet and do with less if states


A Message from the MCEA President

Recently, and for the second time in two years, Republicans in the Senate united against a measure that would have made it easier for women to receive equal pay for equal work.

President Barack Obama urged the Senate to pass this measure, saying,

"I don't have to tell you how much this matters to families across the country. All of you are working day in, day out, to support the basic principle, equal pay for equal work... Cpongress has to step up and do its job. Women are the breadwinners for a lot of families, and if they're making less than men do for the same


An open letter to Maryland State Governor Martin O'Malley from AFT-Maryland President, Marietta English.

The letter expresses concern and disappointment with the inability of our political leaders to reach agreement over our state budget. 23 counties and the city of Baltimore will lose over $260 million, with the impact hitting hardest in areas that are most reliant on state revenues and that can least afford the reductions.

Everyday people will be affected in every way.